DRC voice Reminder - A simple, straightforward reminder with a human touch to remind you of your unavoidable chores such as saying “Happy birthday to your loving wife”.
Simply speak your personal message, set the time and date, be reminded in your voice.It works as your personal assistant and ensures that you remember everything and forget nothing with your own voice 'to-do' list.
It’s metro look and a quick two-step process makes it even more expedient. It also works in a sync with your cell phone profile mode, that means if you are in a meeting and your cell phone is on a vibrate/silent mode, this application will automatically recognize it and only vibrate to update you about your activity; in a normal profile mode, this application will vibrate as well as play your set audio message.
Language supported::Arabic,dutch,Denmark,Italy,Korean,Portuguese,Russia,France,Japanese,Spanish,Chinese
Primary Features:
• Quickly add a voice reminder and schedule it to play at your preferred date and time
• Advanced Repeat option i.e weekdays,custom minutes and much more
Now you can set number of time message you can repeat.
• Reuse an existing reminder for further use
• Play, edit or delete scheduled reminders with ease
• Added Sharing audio using social application like Gmail, yahoo,whats app etc
• Added Home Widgets to start recording and schedule it while you are in driving or busy
• Added auto play option at the time of reminder. if you have set reminder as auto play. reminder will automatically • play at the time of scheduled time.
Your feedback is a reflection of quality of our product. Hence kindly help us in improving our application and services by sharing your thoughts, suggestions and complaints with us.
DRC suara Reminder - A sederhana, pengingat sederhana dengan sentuhan manusia untuk mengingatkan Anda tentang tugas-tugas yang tidak dapat dihindari Anda seperti mengatakan "Selamat ulang tahun istri tercinta Anda".
Cukup berbicara pesan pribadi Anda, mengatur waktu dan tanggal, diingatkan di voice.It Anda bekerja sebagai asisten pribadi Anda dan memastikan bahwa Anda ingat segala sesuatu dan lupa apa-apa dengan suara Anda sendiri 'to-do' daftar.
Ini terlihat metro dan proses dua langkah cepat membuatnya bahkan lebih bijaksana. Ia juga bekerja di sinkron dengan modus profil ponsel Anda, yang berarti jika Anda berada dalam sebuah pertemuan dan ponsel Anda pada bergetar / mode diam, aplikasi ini akan secara otomatis mengenali dan hanya bergetar untuk memperbarui Anda tentang aktivitas Anda, dalam modus profil normal, aplikasi ini akan bergetar serta memainkan pesan audio set Anda.
Bahasa yang didukung :: Arab, Belanda, Denmark, Italia, Korea, Portugis, Rusia, Perancis, Jepang, Spanyol, Cina
Fitur utama:
• Cepat menambahkan pengingat suara dan jadwal untuk bermain pada tanggal dan waktu pilihan Anda
• Tingkat lanjut Ulangi opsi yaitu hari kerja, menit kustom dan banyak lagi
Sekarang Anda dapat mengatur jumlah pesan waktu Anda dapat mengulangi.
• Reuse pengingat yang ada untuk digunakan lebih lanjut
• Play, mengedit atau menghapus pengingat jadwal dengan mudah
• Ditambahkan Sharing audio menggunakan aplikasi sosial seperti Gmail, yahoo, whats app dll
• Ditambahkan Depan Widgets untuk mulai merekam dan jadwal itu sementara Anda berada di mengemudi atau sibuk
• Ditambahkan auto play option pada saat pengingat. jika Anda telah mengatur pengingat sebagai auto play. pengingat otomatis akan bermain • pada saat waktu yang dijadwalkan.
Tanggapan Anda adalah cerminan dari kualitas produk kami. Oleh karena itu silakan membantu kami dalam meningkatkan aplikasi dan layanan kami dengan berbagi pikiran Anda, saran dan keluhan dengan kami.
DRC voice Reminder - A simple, straightforward reminder with a human touch to remind you of your unavoidable chores such as saying “Happy birthday to your loving wife”.
Simply speak your personal message, set the time and date, be reminded in your voice.It works as your personal assistant and ensures that you remember everything and forget nothing with your own voice 'to-do' list.
It’s metro look and a quick two-step process makes it even more expedient. It also works in a sync with your cell phone profile mode, that means if you are in a meeting and your cell phone is on a vibrate/silent mode, this application will automatically recognize it and only vibrate to update you about your activity; in a normal profile mode, this application will vibrate as well as play your set audio message.
Language supported::Arabic,dutch,Denmark,Italy,Korean,Portuguese,Russia,France,Japanese,Spanish,Chinese
Primary Features:
• Quickly add a voice reminder and schedule it to play at your preferred date and time
• Advanced Repeat option i.e weekdays,custom minutes and much more
Now you can set number of time message you can repeat.
• Reuse an existing reminder for further use
• Play, edit or delete scheduled reminders with ease
• Added Sharing audio using social application like Gmail, yahoo,whats app etc
• Added Home Widgets to start recording and schedule it while you are in driving or busy
• Added auto play option at the time of reminder. if you have set reminder as auto play. reminder will automatically • play at the time of scheduled time.
Your feedback is a reflection of quality of our product. Hence kindly help us in improving our application and services by sharing your thoughts, suggestions and complaints with us.